JediCole Universe Live
Elm until 1:45 PM

Presented by:
JediCole; Half Ass Productions

After three years of entertaining early risers on Sunday mornings with JediCole's Morning After, it was time for a talk show that might actually get a wide awake audience! Not to worry, Morning After will be back for a fourth year, but your intrepid (and very busy all weekend) host, JediCole, just couldn’t leave a big gap in his Saturday schedule.

Years after All-Con’s first talk show, Fandom at Random - LIVE, Cole Houston returns to the afternoon talk show format for 2013. It's a little bit shameless self promotion for and a little bit excuse to just goof off with some interesting folks in a casual setting. With an audience. Learn about what The JediCole Universe has to offer you with a special live edition of one of the website's features, ''It Came From the Dollar Store'', interviews with Cole's special guests, and some general fun and tomfoolery.

And just in case that wasn't enough to get you in the room for an hour, there will be prizes for audience members and even a raffle drawing during the show!