Lil JerBear Cosplay

Five Sided Fates



THU 6:00 PM: Nobody Cares: Embracing Your Cosplay Journey (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Cosplay is all about creativity, fun, and self-expression -- so why stress over the tiny imperfections? In this panel, we'll explore the truth that most of the ''mistakes'' we see in our costumes are invisible to others, and if they do notice, they likely don't mind. The focus is on letting go of perfectionism and embracing the joy of creating what makes you happy. Join us for an encouraging discussion about why the best cosplay is the one that brings you joy, not the one that fits into a mold of expectations.

Speaking: Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kairi Celeste

Category: Discussion; Costuming; Culture


THU 8:00 PM: D&D Dungeon Master Tips (45 mins.)

Room: TOPAZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Are you interested in D&D, but don't know anyone who can run a game? Why not try being a DM yourself? Or, are you an experienced DM who is looking for new inspiration? In this panel, we'll discuss tips for how to be a good game master for all role playing games, and specific strategies for running D&D. Whether you want to run published modules or write your own homebrew, we'll get you started!

This beginner friendly panel will outline the rules of D&D and how to play the game. Questions are encouraged, and all are welcome!

Speaking: Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kairi Celeste

Category: Discussion; Gaming


FRI 5:00 PM: It's OK to Be Dumb at D&D Panel (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Teen

Produced By: Super Cool Nerd Show

We all make mistakes. D&D mistakes. Whether you're an Aasimar Rogue who stabbed her friend on request, or you had to spend 30k gold to get out of an engagement you proposed, you're accepted here. Join SCNS as we discuss awkward situations, hilarious hijinks, cursed dice rolls, etc. Bring your own stories and discover why it's OK to be truly, unimaginably, hysterically dumb at D&D.

Speaking: Jason the X; Kas Bradley; Brandon David; Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kamber; Kat Bradley

Category: Discussion; Gaming


FRI 6:00 PM: Nobody Cares: Embracing Your Cosplay Journey (45 mins.)

Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Cosplay is all about creativity, fun, and self-expression -- so why stress over the tiny imperfections? In this panel, we'll explore the truth that most of the ''mistakes'' we see in our costumes are invisible to others, and if they do notice, they likely don't mind. The focus is on letting go of perfectionism and embracing the joy of creating what makes you happy. Join us for an encouraging discussion about why the best cosplay is the one that brings you joy, not the one that fits into a mold of expectations.

Speaking: Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kairi Celeste

Category: Discussion; Costuming; Culture


FRI 7:00 PM: Um Actually D&D Panel (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Teen

Produced By: Super Cool Nerd Show

Nerds are passionate about a lot of things, but there's one thing they love above all else, and that is correcting people. Join SCNS and 2 of the Five Sided Fates as we correct factually inaccurate statements about D&D. If we can't get the answer and you can, you get a D&D related prize from the mystery box!

Speaking: Jason the X; Kas Bradley; Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kamber; Kat Bradley

Category: Discussion; Discussion


FRI 9:00 PM: D&D Dungeon Master Tips (45 mins.)

Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Are you interested in D&D, but don't know anyone who can run a game? Why not try being a DM yourself? Or, are you an experienced DM who is looking for new inspiration? In this panel, we'll discuss tips for how to be a good game master for all role playing games, and specific strategies for running D&D. Whether you want to run published modules or write your own homebrew, we'll get you started!

This beginner friendly panel will outline the rules of D&D and how to play the game. Questions are encouraged, and all are welcome!

Speaking: Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kairi Celeste

Category: Discussion; Gaming


SAT 1:00 PM: Nobody Cares: Embracing Your Cosplay Journey (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Cosplay is all about creativity, fun, and self-expression -- so why stress over the tiny imperfections? In this panel, we'll explore the truth that most of the ''mistakes'' we see in our costumes are invisible to others, and if they do notice, they likely don't mind. The focus is on letting go of perfectionism and embracing the joy of creating what makes you happy. Join us for an encouraging discussion about why the best cosplay is the one that brings you joy, not the one that fits into a mold of expectations.

Speaking: Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kairi Celeste

Category: Discussion; Costuming; Culture


SAT 5:00 PM: Murder Mystery D&D Game (45 mins.)

Room: TOPAZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Super Cool Nerd Show

D&D set in a creepy mansion can never lead to anything bad! The thunderstorm and boxes of improvised weapons mean nothing at all. The butler seems shifty though.

Join the cast of SCNS:Live and a special guest from the Five Sided Fates as they try and solve the mystery in this Clue-style adventure.

Speaking: Cora Barton; Jason the X; Kat Bradley; Kas Bradley; Kamber; Lil JerBear Cosplay

Category: Performance; Gaming


SAT 9:00 PM: D&D Dungeon Master Tips (45 mins.)

Room: TOPAZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Are you interested in D&D, but don't know anyone who can run a game? Why not try being a DM yourself? Or, are you an experienced DM who is looking for new inspiration? In this panel, we'll discuss tips for how to be a good game master for all role playing games, and specific strategies for running D&D. Whether you want to run published modules or write your own homebrew, we'll get you started!

This beginner friendly panel will outline the rules of D&D and how to play the game. Questions are encouraged, and all are welcome!

Speaking: Lil JerBear Cosplay; Kairi Celeste

Category: Discussion; Gaming




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